Contact- / E-Mail - Forms

I / we would like to make a message: [message]
I / we would like to make a inquiry: [product inquiry]
I / we would like to make a pruchase order: [purchase order]
I / we would like to order: brochures/ price lists: [borchure inquiry]
I / we would like to make a message with my e-mail client: []

Opening Hours

monday - friday: 07.30 - 12.00 / 13.15 - 17.00 h
(closed during public and local holidays)
local sale for motorized equipment and work shop:
on your request we arrange an appointment outside normal working hours

Phone and Facsimile

+41 (0)43 399 20 40 switch board
+41 (0)43 399 20 61 sales
+41 (0)43 399 20 41 administration